Sunday, January 30, 2005

Dajuan Wagner

Newest Sports Guy reader article, and its got this great question:

Q: Has Dajuan Wagner strung together the most inexplicable string of injuries in the history of sports? He missed 14 games his rookie year with a bladder infection, had an inflamed liver and pancreas last season, and now he has an inflamed large intestine. Have you ever seen anything like this? He's a 20-something kid with the body of an 80-year old.
--Marcus, Baltimore, MD

SG: Yeah, is he contagious? I feel like the league should step in and force Cleveland to trade him so he doesn't infect LeBron somehow -- he's like the NBA's version of the "Real World" roommate who came down with Scabies.

I feel bad for Wagner, I had high hopes for him in Cleveland. I especially thought getting Lebron would help him out. Juanny is more of a 2 in a PG body, and you could've played Lebron as a big 1 with Wags as the scoring guard. Wagners career hasn't really started yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if you see him scoring points for a team like Memphis or Dallas next year.

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