Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm a bad blogger

I haven't really written anything in awhile and while I've been busy, it's mostly because I don't have anything to say... the NBA summer leagues have been uneventful and the Tribe... bleh.

As for the Cavs free agency.... I really don't know. They're gonna have to explore their trade options, I really don't see what kind of moves are left in FA. As for trades, well, I think Z is their biggest asset ($11 million for your backup C) but I have no idea who's even available. Odds are Z will just be bought out anyways, but we might have to wait to see which teams are really hurting financially once the season starts.

Anthony PARKER... sure, he's 34, but he's cheap and only signed for two years. The guy can play, but I'm not sure if he can beat out Delonte for the starting job. It's not a terrible signing by any means, but it's also a bit hard to get pumped for picking up a 34 year old journeyman.

And I'm still OK with the Varejao contract. Big men get overpaid. Is Andy overpaid? Yes. Is he vastly overpaid? No.

I can honestly say I haven't followed the Tribe. Fair weather fan? Maybe. But because of the NBA playoffs, I don't usually begin to pay attention to baseball (in earnest) until late June. And when late June comes around and your team sucks ass... well, it doesn't really make you want to invest time, energy and emotions into them.

That said, I'm going to the game on Friday (15 rows behind home!).

I saw Reel Big Fish for the upteenth time Wednesday at the House of Blues in Cleveland. Always love those guys. I know they aren't for everyone, but they put on a great show; it's really a lot of fun.

Finally, I just finished Palimpsest by Catherynne Valente. The basic premise (and I'm not doing this any justice) is that if you have sex with someone with a special tattoo (a map), you'll be able to enter this forbidden city (via dreams). Once you do, you get your own tattoo, which is a map of part of the city. But you're only allowed in certain parts of the city (your map and the maps of people you've slept with). It's quite weird but really good. Valente's writing is superb and there are some absolute gorgeous passages. Like I said, it's kinda weird, but really good.


Erik said...

Tim Thomas might not be a bad fit for one year at the remainder of the MLE, if he's willing to take that.

Thomas doesn't play much D, but if a perimeter-shooting four is part of the Shaq title equation, Thomas is probably worth considering if the financial commitment is minimal.

Anonymous said...

ben, yes you are a bad blogger. anthony "carter"??? wasn't he a wide receiver at michigan back in the 80's?? hee-hee!!! just kidding ya, dude. it's not like you're getting paid to blog, so don't sweat it. so what if you don't do it every day or go several days without posting anything??? it just makes all your fans like me appreciate it that much more when you do post something. during cavs season, you have one of the best blogs going. during the off-season, not so much. big whoop. just keep doing what you're doing. i know of a lot of other blogs that have fallen by the wayside due to lack of interest, both by the blogger and by the readers. hopefully, yours doesn't fall prey to that trap anytime soon. as long as the cavs continue to have a buzz about them with lebron james though, i really don't see that coming to pass.

Ben said...

wow I am bad. Anthony Carter? Jesus...

Anonymous said...

nice correction. hee-hee!!!