Wednesday, March 16, 2005

What if...

LeBron had gone to school? Carmelo stayed? Josh Smith? This morning I read some of Sports Illustrated On Campus Edition and it has an entire NCAA bracket of what the Tourny would look like had the players stayed in college for 4 years. Needless to say it was like a basketball fans wet dream. But alas, tonight all I can find is a SIOC article about the title game of that fantasy tournament. Syracuse vs UCLA. Carmelo vs Tony Parker. That would've been sweet. But I can't find the link for the entire article, (you can read it online by signing up for SIOC with your email, just click on the link that says 'Get the FREE and complete digital edition of SI on Campus'). My only beef with the article is that the Buckeyes were a 4 seed. Really, with LeBron as one of the best in the NBA right now, you think his presence alone wouldn't make the Buckeyes at LEAST a 2 seed? Could you imagine?

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