Wednesday, November 14, 2007

One more thing

I've been meaning to highlight this in a 'Random Thoughts from the Weekend' but I've been busy with school (also, I have a day off today, which I think is obvious by my blogging output) so I haven't gotten around to it.

Erik has a good post (though a bit old) about how LeBron and the Cavs are coming off a trip to the Finals (seriously, the Cleveland Cavaliers and the NBA Finals people!) and how they're getting no respect, either nationally or locally.

And he's right, this is stupid. I'd love to be able to explain it, but I can't. See, I'm not your typical Cleveland fan, my loyalties go Cavs-Tribe-Browns in that order. I don't understand how the fans can pack a sports bar for the NFL Draft but then leave as the Cavs play (and win) a playoff game.

(But it makes sense; the Cavs were good when I was in grade school and middle school, when I first started to like sports. The Tribe kicked ass in the 90s when I was in high school. The Browns? They were OK when I was young and then left (and stunk upon their return) during middle school and high school. I think my loyalties make sense. Let's move on).

But there's more.

Erik also brings up Scott Raab's insane LeBron-Yankee cap rant ('worthless scrum') and then Raab comments leaves an incoherent comment about 'if Larry Bird had worn a Yankees cap' and how LeBron can't leave soon enough (I'm jealous, I wish Raab had left a comment on my Raab diatribe post).

It's pretty interesting and I recommend reading the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

I think Scott Raab Googles "LeBron James + Worthless Scum" every day just to see who is out there buzzing about his controversial take. He writes for Esquire, so he probably takes a lot of pride in being edgy.

Ben said...

whatever the reason, Raab is a douchebag.

of course, there are dumbass Cleveland fans still bringing "hey LeBron, how bout those Yankees?!" signs (I saw one during the Magic game)...

yes, taunt your superstar player... good call jackass